Sunday Worship Service
Main Auditorium, City Church
Join us for a spirit-filled Sunday service with worship and preaching.
As Pastors of Aakhikh: The House of Blessings, this is an auspicious moment to share with you God's mandate upon our hearts. We believe that you are created for glory. That is why He has ordained us at this very hour and time to reach you and welcome you into the fold.
- Rev. Sonia Bhattacharya & Pastor Nabarun Dhar
Join us to celebrate our scheduled events
Join us to celebrate our scheduled events
Sundays - 11:00am to 4:00pm
Aakhikh: The House of Blessings is a a Home for all prodigals to return back to the Love of the Father. We would love you to be a part of us. Join in on of our worship services and you'll be blessed